There is a constant misunderstanding of preps being snobs, which, judging by the very expensive attire and accessories they buy, this is not surprising. However this assumption can be very easy to attain if you are not careful about how you dress. So how do you succeed in getting the preppy look without looking snobbish? What make-up style should you use? This article will cover the basic tips on how to dress like preppy girl , preppy style clothing ideas and create your own pretty, snob free, preppy look.
Preppy Girl Dressing Tips
Most preppy girl fashion will consist of plain, classy clothing from upper class retailers such as Louis Vuitton, Coco Chanel, Ralph Lauren and Vineyard Vines. Preppy wear colours consist of pinks and yellows with the odd blue thrown in. Remember! Preppy look is all about being intellectual and well educated so make sure your look is classy and not trashy. Collared tops with either puff or long sleeves are ideal. Why not accessorise these with a cute tie? Tartan is a favourite pattern choice for preppies so it is not unusual to see a preppy girl rocking tartan skirts, jumpers and knee high socks. Make sure your tartan is matching though. For example, do not wear a red tartan skirt and then wear blue tartan socks. This will destroy your preppy image and the feel of being educated will go flying out the window. The most common seen preppy skirt is the very versatile short pleated mini and these do look stunning with knee high socks and the correct style of top to go with it. Why not find your own perfect colour of tartan which compliments your complexion?
Footwear for the Preppy Girl
A preppy girl’s shoe rack will consist of simple footwear such as tennis sneakers, loafers and moccasins. Brands such as Rainbow Sandals, Jack Rogers and Sperry’s Top Sider Boat Shoes are all a must for any wannabe prep. Top siders are great as a summer shoe and, as any prep will know, are the perfect footwear when aboard daddy’s boat. All preps have some sort of nautical twist and will gladly show this in their clothing and footwear. Flat classy oxfords are a great choice for preppy girls. They come in a range of colours and are brilliant for adding a sophisticated twist to any outfit?
Preppy Make-Up Look
Preppy girls will always have perfectly groomed, clean hair and flawlessly applied make-up. Ideally a good complexion to start with helps as you will not need such a range of make-up items such as concealer and foundation. Make-up MUST be applied to clean skin as preppy girls have a huge thing about person hygiene. Most make-up tones will include pastels and neutral colours. These have a cute and intellectual look to them and do not come over as brash or cheap which the preppy girl most definitely is not! Keep it simple.
Remember, preppy does not mean snobby. If you try too hard to gain the preppy image you may come across as pretentious and this is completely missing the point of the prep style.
Lets see some top fashion bloggers in preppy style outfits.You can get lot of ideas from these pictures(via) as how to make a perfect preppy outfit combination.
Spring Preppy Look.
Summer Preppy Girl Dress.
Funky style.
Winter Preppy Dress combination.
Preppy style tips for college girls.
Biker jacket with Poka dot top and Midi Skirt.
Sports Look. A perfect preppy hairstyle for this outfits.
Preppy Look with Denim Jacket and Combat Boots. See ideas how to wear combat boots with different outfits.
Peplum top with Knee High Boots.Winter Look.
Skirt With Chunky Heels
Street style.
Burgundy autumn
Formal Look.
Preppy outfits for high school
Read More on How to Dress as Preppy Girl? 20 Cute Preppy Outfits Ideas
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